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AKSU Post Utme 2015/2016: Generate Payment & Exam Schedule Slips

AKSU Post Utme 2015/2016: Generate Payment & Exam Schedule Slips
AKSU has released an important information regarding the 2015 post utme screening. All candidates that will take part in the Akwa Ibom State Universityscreening are hereby informed to generate a pre-payment slip and exam schedule slip. Find how to generate the slips below

Contained below are image samples of the PRE-PAYMENT ANALYSIS SLIP and EXAMINATION SCHEDULE SLIP every Candidate should obtain during the first stage and final stage of the ongoing registration process respectively.
Below in (i) and (ii) are procedures to generate both slips;
(i) PRE-PAYMENT SLIP visit the Post Utme Portal and follow the procedures below; 1 .Click on REGISTER NOW LINK in the Login Page 2.Select PUTME in the Registration Type Panel 3.Click REGISTER NOW tab in the PUTME Page 4.Enter your JAMB Registration Number and click the Verify Link 5.Click MAKE PAYMENT LINK, select BANK OPTION and PRINT the Pre-Payment Analysis Slip. With your Pre-Payment Analysis Slip printed, visit any of the participating banks NATIONWIDE below with it and request to make a a non-refundable payment for AKSU Post UTME using e-transact Payment Platform which costs N3,500.00 (three thousand five hundred Naira) only. The banks for which you could make payment is listed in the comment box. Slip(s) of the transaction will be given to you by the teller at the end of the payment process.
(i) EXAMINATION SCHEDULE SLIP 1. Revisit the school portal, (i.e. ) to complete the rest of your registration steps. (These include providing candidate’s details and uploading a RED BACKGROUND PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH.) 2.On successful registration, click the PRINT BUTTON to print the 2015 Post UTME Examination Schedule Slip. The Examination Schedule Slip will contain candidate’s screening venue and seat number amongst other schedule details for the screening.
DOCUMENTS TO PRESENT ON SCREENING DAY 1. 2015/2016 UTME result slip showing the candidates photograph in colour; 2. Three (3) passport photographs with red background; 3. Four (4) EXAMINATION SCHEDULE SLIP. 4. Writing materials which should include HB pencil, sharpener, eraser, ruler and ball point pen.

PLEASE NOTE; 1. Information found on the examination schedule slip MUST be adhered to by every candidate. 2. each candidate MUST have four (4) coloured copies of the Examination Schedule Slip and any other slip requested for the screening also in colour. 3. Candidates should endeavor to keep to the schedule time and any other relevant information contained in their slip or circulated here or on the school web . 4. Candidates should be reminded that Screening registration ends on Tuesday 11th august, 2015 and the registration portal closes same day by 11:59 p.m. Prompt.
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